Thursday, May 28, 2009

Some photos from my garden

My lowly veggie garden. Onions, tomatoes, cabbage, zuccini can be seen. Not in the picture are parsley, lettuce, basil, spinach and three kinds of beans; green, yellow-wax and brown pole. All are doing well.

Hosta seems to love the shady northeast corner of our house. There are several varities but my sister would be better able to tell you what they are. The two toward the top of the first picture have a blue cast. The ones in front of it have smaller leaves, more yellow green with white edges. The largest, in the foreground, once belonged to her. It has lived in three gardens in the past five years! I wanted to compare the size of this Hosta to the planter with the tomato plant. The hosta is huge.

The hybrid lily below is also on the east side of the house. The picture doesn't do them justice. They are gorgeous.

This hydrangea is new to my garden and already 18" tall. The blooms are a very pretty rose color.

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1 comment:

  1. It's all lovely, thanks.

    Regards, Tim Nunnally
